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Exploring Dual Diagnosis Symptoms

Exploring Dual Diagnosis Symptoms

Learn more about dual diagnosis symptoms and how to treat them. Find out how to get the help you need.


Mental health and substance use disorder (SUD) are well-known challenges. They can affect every area of a person’s life. But what happens when these two conditions combine?

Having a mental health disorder and a substance use disorder is called a dual diagnosis. This article will discuss the symptoms of dual diagnosis. It will also explore how mental health and addiction can interact.

dual diagnosis symptoms

What are the Symptoms of Dual Diagnosis?

Dual diagnosis symptoms mean that someone has both mental health and substance use disorders. These symptoms can differ for each person. It depends on the person’s condition or substance use.1

Common Symptoms of Mental Health Conditions

For someone with a dual diagnosis, mental health symptoms may include:

  • Mood swings
  • Feeling anxious
  • Feeling down or sad most of the time
  • Getting easily annoyed or angry
  • Seeing or hearing things that aren’t there
  • Feeling paranoid or having trouble thinking clearly

Common Symptoms of Substance Use Disorder

Substance use disorder symptoms can include:

  • Getting and using substances
  • Trying to quit unsuccessfully
  • Feeling sick when not using the substance
  • Needing more to feel the same effect
  • Putting the substance above well-being

The Interplay of Dual Diagnosis Symptoms

The connection between mental health and substance use disorders can be tricky. For instance, some people may use substances to self-medicate or reduce symptoms of a mental health condition. Conversely, substance abuse can worsen or trigger mental health symptoms.2
This leads to a vicious cycle of co-occurring disorders. It is necessary to have accurate diagnoses and thorough assessments done by experts. This helps to understand and recognize dual diagnosis symptoms.3

Understanding Dual Diagnosis and the Importance of Simultaneous Treatment

Dual diagnosis symptoms differ from individual symptoms of mental health or substance use disorders. This is because of their complex nature and combined influence. Treating both conditions is essential.

Below are some reasons why it is so important.

The Complexity of Symptoms

Dual diagnosis symptoms are often more complex and severe than standalone mental health or substance use disorder symptoms. 

The presence of co-occurring conditions can intensify symptomatology. This makes accurate diagnosis and tailored treatment essential.

Mutual Reinforcement

Mental health conditions and substance use disorders can reinforce each other. 

Example of Mutual Reinforcement

For example, substance abuse can worsen underlying mental health symptoms. Mental health symptoms may drive individuals to self-medicate with substances. 

Addressing both aspects is crucial to break this cycle.

Treatment Efficacy

Treating only one aspect of the dual diagnosis may yield limited success. The untreated condition can hinder recovery from the other. 

Integrated treatment that addresses both leads to more effective outcomes. It also leads to a reduced risk of relapse.

Underlying Factors

Dual diagnosis recognizes that mental health and substance use disorders often share common underlying factors. These factors include:

  • Genetic predispositions
  • Trauma
  • Environmental influences

Treatment can target these shared factors. It provides a more comprehensive and holistic approach.

Improved Quality of Life

Simultaneous dual diagnosis treatment allows individuals to experience improved well-being and quality of life.

Common Ways Dual Diagnosis Symptoms Develop

Dual diagnoses can develop in different ways. Below are some of the most common forms:  

  • Depression and Substance Use: Feelings of depression can make people want to use substances for temporary relief. Still, this only worsens the symptoms of depression over time. This creates a harmful cycle.
  • Anxiety and Alcohol Use: Anxiety can lead people to abuse alcohol to feel better in the moment. This only creates more anxiety as the effects of alcohol wear off. With time, alcohol dependency may develop, leading to alcohol use disorder (AUD).
  • Bipolar Disorder and Substance Misuse: It is possible for people with bipolar disorder to misuse substances. They do so to enhance their mood during a manic episode. This only complicates symptom management and worsens moods.
  • PTSD and Substance Dependence: Those with PTSD often use substances to cope with distressing memories. But, substance dependence hinders trauma recovery. It increases vulnerability to re-traumatization.

How Can Dual Diagnosis Symptoms Worsen Treatment?

Dual diagnosis symptoms can interact to make treatment more complicated. This can be due to a variety of factors.

Some of these factors will be detailed below.


Substance use or misuse as temporary relief can lead to SUD, dependence, and addiction. It can also worsen mental health symptoms over time.

Increased Vulnerability

Substance misuse lowers inhibitions and impairs judgment. It increases susceptibility to risky behaviors that worsen mental health symptoms. 

Neurochemical Imbalances

Substance use disorder disrupts brain chemistry. This can worsen underlying mental health conditions.

Compromised Treatment Outcomes

Addressing only one condition without considering the other limits progress. It also increases the risk of relapse. Simultaneous treatment is necessary for optimal outcomes.

Importance of Understanding the Complex Relationship Between Substance Use Disorder and Mental Health

Understanding these interactions is essential for personalized treatment. When programs that deal with mental health and substance use disorders are brought together, they help support recovery and well-being. 

The Impact of Dual Diagnosis Symptoms on Diagnosis and Treatment

Dual-diagnosis symptoms affect treatment modalities. This is due to certain challenges each condition presents. 

Below are some issues that may affect treatment progress.

Diagnostic Challenges

It can be difficult to diagnose a person with dual diagnosis symptoms accurately. This is because signs may overlap. 

In this case, a thorough assessment by experienced professionals is necessary. It can differentiate between the two conditions.

Treatment Complexity

Dual diagnosis requires a special treatment approach. It must address mental health and substance use disorders. Treating only one aspect may lead to limited progress or relapse. 

Integrated Care

The unavailability of experts for each condition can slow treatment. 

Dual diagnosis treatment calls for a specific treatment model. In this model, mental health and addiction specialists collaborate closely. This ensures a treatment plan that meets the individual’s unique needs.

Medication Considerations

Medication management must consider potential interactions between psychiatric medications and drugs for substance abuse management. Healthcare providers have to take measures to reduce risks. 

Relapse Prevention

Relapse prevention plans should cater to each condition. Dual diagnosis treatment emphasizes relapse prevention strategies. These strategies address mental health and substance use triggers. 

This involves teaching coping skills and addressing underlying trauma or co-occurring disorders.

Importance of Comprehensive and Tailored Care

Comprehensive and tailored care is crucial in navigating dual diagnosis symptoms. Professionals with expertise in dual diagnosis guide accurate diagnosis. They also provide integrated treatment to support individuals on their path to recovery.

Specialized Approaches to Addressing Dual Diagnosis

Some specialized approaches are used to address complex dual diagnoses. 

Below are some of these specialized approaches.

Integrated Dual Diagnosis Treatment

This approach involves treatment for mental health alongside the treatment for substance use disorders. It emphasizes collaborative and coordinated treatment by a dedicated team.4

Motivational Interviewing (MI)

This technique helps people explore and overcome doubts or worries about making changes. It boosts their motivation to improve their mental health and overcome substance use. 

Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

Cognitive-behavioral therapy helps people understand and change unhelpful thoughts and actions. These thoughts and actions are connected to their mental health and substance use.

It teaches them various techniques to handle difficult situations and solve problems.

Peer Support

Support groups and peer-led interventions are essential in dual diagnosis treatment. They are special groups where people with similar conditions can come together. People can support and help each other recover and feel better. 

Potential Challenges in Identifying Dual Diagnosis Symptoms

Sometimes, it can be difficult for doctors and experts to determine if someone has dual diagnosis symptoms. This is why careful tests and assessments must be done to get the right answers. 

Below are some of the potential challenges in identifying these symptoms.

The Masking of Symptoms

The symptoms of one condition may overshadow those of the other. This makes it challenging to recognize the presence of a co-occurring disorder. This can lead to misdiagnosis or one-sided treatment.

Limited Disclosure

Sometimes, people feel scared or worried about telling others they use substances. They are afraid of getting judged or facing negative consequences. 

It is important for them to feel safe and trust the people they talk to.

Diagnostic Bias

Focusing on a single condition can create a big problem. In this case, another co-occurring condition receives limited care. This can result in not getting the best treatment that considers both issues.

Importance of the Comprehensive Approach to Treatment

Addressing these challenges requires a comprehensive approach. This approach accounts for the complexities of dual diagnosis. 

It also ensures accurate diagnosis and appropriate care for individuals with co-occurring mental health and substance use disorders.

Achieving Appropriate Care Through Accurate and Comprehensive Assessments

Healthcare providers must ensure comprehensive assessments. This allows for appropriate dual diagnosis care. 

They should do so using the following strategies.

Conducting a Comprehensive Evaluation

Professionals specializing in mental health and addiction must work together. Collaboration is necessary to assess individuals with mental health and substance use problems. 

They have to understand what is going on and how to help the patient.5

Establishing Trust and Rapport

Professionals need to build a strong bond with the person they are treating. 

This helps the person feel comfortable and safe to share their symptoms. They are also more likely to open up about their substance use.

Adopting a Collaborative Approach

This involves healthcare providers, treatment professionals, and support systems joining forces. This helps to develop a special plan for each individual. 

By implementing these strategies, healthcare providers and treatment professionals can enhance the accuracy of assessments. This allows them to provide appropriate care for individuals with dual diagnoses.

Potential Consequences of Untreated or Under-Treated Dual Diagnosis Symptoms

Untreated or under-treated dual diagnosis symptoms can have significant consequences. Some of them include:

  • Escalation of Symptoms: When someone has problems but doesn’t get help, their symptoms can worsen. This can make it harder for them to do everyday things and enjoy life.6
  • An Increased Risk of Relapse: Patients are more likely to start misusing substances. This can worsen their mental health symptoms.

Improving Outcomes Through Early Intervention and Comprehensive Treatment

Early intervention and comprehensive treatment are essential for improving outcomes and well-being. They do so through the methods detailed below

A Whole-Person Approach to Recovery

By addressing mental health and substance use disorders together, individuals can experience a more whole-person approach to recovery. 

Early treatment approaches help people develop practical coping skills and maintain sobriety.

Reducing the Impact on Daily Functioning

This comprehensive approach reduces the impact of dual diagnosis symptoms on daily functioning. It enhances a person’s well-being and improves the quality of life.7

Long-Term Recovery

Addressing both aspects of dual diagnosis as early as possible increases the likelihood of achieving long-term recovery. 

Comprehensive treatment reduces relapse risk. It also helps individuals establish a solid foundation for lasting well-being.

Importance of an Accurate Diagnosis

Identifying and addressing dual diagnosis symptoms on time through accurate assessments and interventions is essential for positive outcomes. It also supports individuals on their recovery journey, promoting improved patient well-being.

dual diagnosis symptoms

How Rise Above Treatment Can Help with Dual Diagnosis Symptoms

Rise Above Treatment provides comprehensive support for individuals struggling with dual diagnosis symptoms. 

Our dedicated team of mental healthcare professionals is committed to offering effective treatment and facilitating long-lasting recovery.

Our Approach

At Rise Above Treatment, we understand the complex nature of dual diagnosis symptoms. This is why our evidence-based approach combines the best practices from both fields. This aims to address the unique challenges of co-occurring disorders.

Our Team

Our licensed nurses, therapists, and counselors bring their expertise and compassion to every step of the treatment process. 

They work closely with clients to develop individualized treatment plans. They integrate evidence-based therapies and supportive services.

Our Services

Our residential services provide a serene, comfortable, and safe environment where individuals can recover. Our holistic treatment approach also addresses the underlying causes of dual diagnosis symptoms.

Our Dedication to Quality Care

As a certified facility, we are dedicated to delivering quality care in a non-judgmental environment. 

We aim to help individuals start their journey toward healing and recovery. We do so by providing the necessary resources and support for a successful outcome.

Contact Rise Above Today

If you or someone you know is seeking help for dual diagnosis symptoms, contact Rise Above Treatment. 

Reach out to us to learn more about our services and begin the path to a healthier and more fulfilling life.

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Are you ready to Rise Above your mental health and addiction challenges?

Reach out to us today. Let us provide the support and guidance needed for sustainable recovery and wellness, allowing you to lead the happy, healthy, and fulfilling life you deserve.

Megan Bay

Clinical Director, LMFT

About Megan Bay

I began working with Solution Based Treatment in 2019 and continued until 2021 and I am happy to be back on board.
As the Clinical Director, the day is filled with supervising the Counselors and Therapists in providing the best level of care to the clients. 

I came to the field of Addiction and Recovery with a family member approach. 
When I am not at work, my Partner and I are busy with our 2 toddlers. We love to travel and experience new things as a family.