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Common Signs of a Relapse

The road to recovery is not easy. There are tons of roads filled with cracks that you will have to navigate if you want to remain sober. And sometimes, you may stumble and relapse. However, relapse starts before you start using. Changing small habits can help you make big changes. If you do relapse, it is important to remember that this is part of the process. And as you begin your new journey to recovery, this is an opportunity to pay attention to the signs of relapse so that you can avoid them.

A relapse prevention plan in a supportive environment is one way to strengthen your ability to remain sober. And Rise Above Treatment is ready to help. Contact us (877) 641-0717 to learn more about signs of relapse.

Common Signs of Relapse

Relapse is when you begin using drugs or alcohol again after entering recovery. Some relapse because they have been triggered by a person, place, events, or even psychiatric issues. That’s why it is so important to lean on your sober living community so that you can readily get support if you feel you might relapse. The following are common signs of a relapse to be aware of:

Considering Using Drugs or Alcohol In Moderation

While some people can use alcohol or drugs in moderation, many of us are unable to. If using drugs in the past caused you to spiral out of control, it is best to avoid using mind-altering substances. For a person with a history of addiction, switching from one addictive drug to another is unfortunately not a solution. If you begin to think about using again, you may experience the following misconceptions:

  • I’ll only use a small amount
  • I won’t get out of control
  • I can’t have fun without drugs
  • No one will know

These statements justify substance abuse even though you know the consequences of using. If you have to convince yourself that just one drink or use won’t hurt you, then you are headed to a relapse.

Ignoring Recovery-Friendly Activities

When a recovering substance abuser stops attending support meetings, this is an indication that they are going to relapse soon. Maintaining a connection to a support meeting such as 12-step programs, AA, or a strong sober community is important to remaining drug and alcohol-free. But when you begin making excuses such as I can’t find a meeting time that I like, or I don’t like the people in my group, all they do is talk about the past, you are setting yourself up for failure. The support meetings are important to help people remember their past to continue to live a bright future.

Reminiscing About Using Drugs While Forgetting Consequences

When you first began abusing drugs or alcohol, there were not many consequences for your actions. You might remember this time as being an adventure or even fun. Yet as you slipped further into addiction, you began to face the consequence of your substance use disorder. Another sign of relapse is that you ignore those hard addiction times and begin romanticizing the early days of your drug or alcohol use. When you take the next step: seeking out your old friends that you used to drink or get high with, you are headed down a dark path.

Feeling Like You Just Can’t Remain Sober

The last but not the least common sign of relapse is when you just simply feel like you cannot stay sober anymore. In other words, the general feeling of, “I can’t stay sober. I’ll relapse eventually. Why even continue trying to stay sober?” You may even start to believe that using drugs or alcohol will make your situation better, or take away all the pain and struggles that you are currently facing. But this is a fallacy because in reality, substance use disorder only brings more pain and suffering. In fact, you can get sober and stay sober. Don’t give in to feelings of hopelessness. That’s when a support network is so vital. If you’re feeling tempted, reach out to others.

Don’t Ignore The Signs of Relapse, Get Help At Rise Above Treatment

No matter how hard it is to remain sober, remember that a relapse does not have to be part of your story. With the right support, counseling, and treatment program you can remain sober for life.

A sober living community coupled with a supportive drug rehabilitation staff can help you build a relapse prevention plan to help you avoid using drugs or drinking. Everyone needs guidance and to feel affirmed as they travel on their journey. If you feel like you are considering using drugs or alcohol, take the first step to get help. Contact Rise Above Treatment at (877) 641-0717 today so we can help you learn about common relapse signs.

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Megan Bay

Clinical Director, LMFT

About Megan Bay

I began working with Solution Based Treatment in 2019 and continued until 2021 and I am happy to be back on board.
As the Clinical Director, the day is filled with supervising the Counselors and Therapists in providing the best level of care to the clients. 

I came to the field of Addiction and Recovery with a family member approach. 
When I am not at work, my Partner and I are busy with our 2 toddlers. We love to travel and experience new things as a family.