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What Makes California the Best Place to Detox in the US?

What Makes California the Best Place to Detox in the US?

California detox centers have the perfect backdrop for recovery from drug and alcohol addiction. The sunny skies and warm weather instantly improve one’s mood, making it the best place to detox. Located in Murrieta, the heart of Southern California, Rise Above Treatment centers are advantageously placed within about an hour from the beaches, mountains, deserts, and more – making it incredibly easy for our clients to get outside and enjoy the warmth all year long.

Get Your Vitamin D

The best source of vitamin D comes from the sun, and there’s no shortage of that in California detox centers. Research has shown that vitamin D promotes calcium absorption in the gut and maintains calcium concentrations to promote bone health. Additionally, vitamin D has been known to reduce inflammation and encourage cell growth, immune system function, and a healthy metabolism. Other benefits of vitamin D on your health include:

  • Regulated blood pressure
  • Healthy blood vessels
  • Balanced blood sugar levels
  • Overall brain health

Soak Up the Sun

The sun signals to one’s body to produce more serotonin, lowering stress hormones and acting as a natural antidepressant. This can make clients in California detox centers more optimistic and motivated to succeed in their journey to sobriety.

Sunny weather also makes it easier to consistently get outside and take part in sober activities like hiking, swimming, exercising, and more. Getting as little as 10 minutes of sunlight a day can improve your health and wellness significantly.

Get Better Sleep

Exposure to the sun and warm weather help’s your body regulate its internal clock. Having a more routine day-night cycle helps you maintain a consistent sleeping routine, falling asleep at a reasonable hour each night. Likewise, with the sun rising and heating up early on in the day, you can get your 10 minutes of sunlight on your face before starting your day. Waking you up and feeling refreshed before you take on the new day of detox and rehab treatment.

Boost Your Mood

Exposure to the sunny weather in California detox centers can boost your mood and reduce your chances of getting seasonal affective disorder (SAD). There’s no clear cause for SAD, but having a lack of sunlight, and therefore reduced vitamin D exposure, have been known to cause depressed feelings and outlooks. This can make it challenging to detox and go through rehab, so seeking addiction treatment in a location like Murrieta, California can help make the transition process easier on yourself.

Take the First Step

Taking the first step in your journey to being sober is a scary feeling, but once you take the first step you’re walking towards your new life. The first phase of addiction recovery is drug and alcohol detox, and undergoing this phase in a California detox center makes the process easier on your mental and physical wellbeing thanks to the sunny, warm weather all year round.

About Rise Above Treatment

Rise Above Treatment is a Murrieta, California based addiction treatment center that is committed to helping people recover from drug, alcohol, and other mental health concerns that are holding them back. We offer a range of services, including medical detox, residential rehab, addiction PHP, sober living options, and intensive outpatient programs. If you or a loved one is experiencing addiction, visit us at or give us a call at ‭(855) 948-6325‬ and begin your journey to recovery.

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